Threat against workers, toilers, the oppressed, the Kurdish people, and friends of Palestine in the person of the revolutionary attorney Şiar Rişvanoğlu! Solidarity with Şiar Rişvanoğlu! 21 Ekim 2024 Devrimci İşçi Partisi Merkez Komitesi
DIP’s message of solidarity to Partido Obrero (PO) in Argentina regarding the state repression 17 Ağustos 2024 Devrimci İşçi Partisi
Joint statement by the DIP and the EEK: 50 years from the Cyprus tragedy and division are enough! Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, unite and fight together against division, occupation and imperialism! For an Independent United Socialist Cyprus! 19 Temmuz 2024 EEK, DİP
May Day Statement of the International Socialist Center "Christian Rakovsky" and RedMed: Long live May Day! Forward to destroy imperialist, Zionist, and fascist menaces on humanity! For Peace, Bread and Freedom forward to the world socialist revolution! 4 Mayıs 2024 Hristo Rakovski Uluslararası Sosyalist Merkezi ve RedMed
Kicking off the Lenin Year: Rakovsky-RedMed International Conference on the Legacy of Lenin at his Centenary 22 Ocak 2024 Burak Saygan
DIP's message of solidarity to PO regarding the Zionist assault targeting them 24 Kasım 2023 Devrimci İşçi Partisi
We defend the Palestinian people's right to self-defense against the Zionist massacres! 23 Ekim 2023 Devrimci İşçi Partisi
France out of the Sahel and out of Africa! Let us fight against any neo-colonial aggression against Niger! 5 Ağustos 2023 Devrimci İşçi Partisi
DIP Statement: Iran heading towards revolution, the Middle East poised for radical change 18 Aralık 2022 Devrimci İşçi Partisi
May Day Statement of the Rakovsky Center for the peoples of Eurasia, the Mediterranean and the world: Mobilize to stop the imperialist drive towards world war and nuclear annihilation! 30 Nisan 2022 The International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky
Statement of the Christian Rakovsky Internationalist Socialist Center on the NATO-Russia-Ukraine Crisis 8 Şubat 2022 The International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky
DİP Merkez Komitesi Bildirisi: Gizli diplomasiye, Kürt sorununun inkârına, çözümün reddine, emperyalizmin himayesine, gerici ve yayılmacı İkinci Cumhuriyet projesinin dayatılmasına hayır!