May Day Statement of the Rakovsky Center for the peoples of Eurasia, the Mediterranean and the world: Mobilize to stop the imperialist drive towards world war and nuclear annihilation! 30 Nisan 2022 The International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky
Statement of the Christian Rakovsky Internationalist Socialist Center on the NATO-Russia-Ukraine Crisis 8 Şubat 2022 The International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky
International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky: Whither Russia? Neither liberalism nor Bonapartism but Socialism! 15 Şubat 2021 The International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky
Appeal: Stop national egoism! Start vaccination with frontline health workers and nursing home workers of all countries! An internationalist solution to an international problem! 16 Aralık 2020 The International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky
International Socialist Center ‘”Christian Rakovsky”: Belarus in turmoil 21 Eylül 2020 The International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky
İnsan hayatı uğruna mücadele yolunda sağlık çalışanları ve dünyadaki tüm ezilenlerle dayanışma içinde Uluslararası Kızıl 1 Mayıs’ı için ileri! 20 Nisan 2020 The International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky
Forward to an international Red May Day of struggle for our lives, in solidarity with healthcare workers and all the oppressed in the world! War against the Coronavirus, war against capitalism’s brutal assault! 16 Nisan 2020 The International Socialist Center Christian Rakovsky
Sokaklar emekçi halk için hâlâ güvensiz, sokak hayvanları hâlâ katliam tehdidi altında: AKP’nin sokak hayvanları yasası sadece halkı bölmeyi ve gündem saptırmayı başardı