DIP-EEK joint statement: War against war in the Aegean and the Mediterranean! 18 Ağustos 2020 EEK, DİP
Hands off our brother Şiar Rişvanoğlu, courageous defender of civil rights and social justice in Turkey! 16 Temmuz 2020 EEK MK Politbüro
Statement on the refugee crisis in the Aegean by DIP and EEK: Don’t let the Mediterranean become a graveyard for the poor once again! Open the borders of Europe! Halt the horse-trading between Turkey and the EU! 6 Mart 2020 EEK, DİP
The Emergency Euro-Mediterranean Encounter: Communiqué 5 Ağustos 2018 Christian Rakovski Balkan Socialist Centre and RedMed
Athens and Istanbul: EEK and DIP condemn massacre of Palestinians and transfer of US Embassy 20 Mayıs 2018 EEK, DİP
Call for the 3rd International Euro-Mediterranean Conference 20 Mayıs 2015 The Organizing Committee of the 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conf
DİP Merkez Komitesi Bildirisi: Gizli diplomasiye, Kürt sorununun inkârına, çözümün reddine, emperyalizmin himayesine, gerici ve yayılmacı İkinci Cumhuriyet projesinin dayatılmasına hayır!