Rakovsky Center declaration on Bosnia: Solidarity with the workers and youth of Bosnia and Hercegovina! US and EU, hands off Bosnia! 10 February 2014 Rakovsky Center
Appeal to the revolutionary people of Egypt: Revolutionaries of Egypt and Turkey, unite! 16 July 2013 DİP
Declaration of the EEK (Greece) and DIP (Turkey): Defend of the workers and labourers of Cyprus! 23 March 2013 EEK, DİP
Women Militants of DİP: We will not abandon Tahrir nor any other square of the world! 12 February 2013 Devrimci İşçi Partili Kadınlar
Declaration of the CRFI on the second anniversary of the Egyptian revolution 26 January 2013 Devrimci İşçi Partisi
Declaration of the Revolutionary Workers’ Party: No temporizing, no liquidation! Solve the Kurdish question! 13 January 2013 Devrimci İşçi Partisi
Appeal by Revolutionary Workers Party (DIP) of Turkey: To the revolutionary people of Egypt! 29 September 2012 Devrimci İşçi Partisi
Chen Solar’da sınıf mücadelesi kazandı: TÜİK’in yalanlarını yıkan %90’lık zam ve vergi kazanımı yol gösteriyor!