DIP's message of solidarity to PO regarding the Zionist assault targeting them

Dear comrades of Partido Obrero,
We have recently been informed that the Betar, or the Argentinian branch of the most insidious strand of Zionism, known as revisionist Zionists, has dared to threaten your party for its heroic anti-Zionist struggle. The blatant genocide that Zionism is undertaking in Gaza, and the thunderous applause it receives from the imperialist world clearly unleashed the most dangerous and terrorist tendencies within this reactionary political movement. However, the massive anti-Zionist mobilizations all over the world, reaching an unprecedented high in the last month, as well as the historic resistance of the Palestinian people, are the harbingers of the downfall of the Zionist project. At this crucial juncture, dear comrades, we would like to extend our solidarity to Partido Obrero and its militants fighting Zionist threats.
Down with Zionism!
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!