DIP’s message of solidarity to Partido Obrero (PO) in Argentina regarding the state repression

The Revolutionary Workers Party of Turkey (DIP) condemns the fascistic state repression that the Argentine bourgeois State has unleashed on Partido Obrero (PO) with the utmost revolutionary indignation. It is particularly appalling that the government is using prison sentences as a menace to discourage both the unemployed workers’ movement, piqueteros, as well as one of the movement’s and Polo Obrero’s foremost leaders Eduardo Belliboni. Unlike the Madman Milei’s liberal critics, we recognize that Milei and Bullrich’s onslaught against the working-class is but the expression and articulator of the Argentine and Yankee-imperialist bourgeois interests. Imperialism and its Argentine acolytes need him as much as he needs them. It is no accident that the violent repression of popular indignation in general, and revolutionary organisations in particular, happened as the bourgeois Senate was busy approving Milei’s anti-worker bill. The bourgeois state, especially in its fascist instantiation, is an instrument of repression in the hands of the ruling class: clearer evidence of this Marxist affirmation than the events of June 12th, with the gigantic demonstrations against Milei’s new law and the ensuing wave of repression, would be hard to find.
We, the revolutionaries of Turkey, are all too familiar with the coup-mongering by the mouthpieces of despots to suppress popular dissent. Though much shorter in their endurance than their Argentine counterparts, military coups have punctuated Turkey’s political history. The invocation of this traumatic past by civilian despots to delegitimate working people’s current demand for bread and freedom is straight out of Erdoğan’s playbook. We condemn this opportunistic cowardliness, and warn our Argentine comrades against this demagoguery.
Comrades! We watch the events in “our America” with anger, but without despair. We trust, just as you do, in the Argentine working class’s capacity for self-organization, creativity, and ardor. We hope that this disgraceful bill and cowardly repression will be a source of dignified indignation among the popular classes rather than a cause of demoralization. We hope to see the day when Argentina is cleansed of all bourgeois madmen, big and small.
Revolutionary Workers Party of Turkey (DIP)
17 August 2024